Junk food

Why do we love junk food?

  • Junk food is high on sugars and salts, this triggers pleasure which makes us keeping eating it.
  •  This includes what it tastes like, what it smells like, and how it feels in your mouth.
  •  Food companies will spend millions of dollars to discover the most satisfying level of crunch in a potato chip.
  • Scientists will test for the perfect amount of fizzle in a soda.
  • These factors all combine to create the sensation that your brain associates with a particular food or drink.
Junk food

Memory Harm

Eating junk food could harm the memory and may even lead to brain damage. Foods with fat and sugar reduce a brain chemical that is crucial for learning. The food kids consume can be tied with their level of hyperactivity. This is because sugars enter the blood stream, since sugars are not supposed to be here hyperactivity occurs. Also, scientist had a study where rats were put into different diets some with exercise and fat foods, some with no exercise what so ever and some with healthy foods and exercise, the study showed that rats with no exercise had low BDNF this is a chemical in the brain that helps the memory.

Junk food


According to researches the more junk food you eat the most likely you are to be depressed. The research also pointed out that people who consume junk food are also more likely to be single, less active, and have poor dietary habits, which includes eating less fruit, nuts, fish, vegetables, and olive oil. Not obtaining enough vitamin B can cause feelings of depression.

Junk food

Junk Food

What does junk food do to your body?

Consuming junk food can decrease individuals life spam. These foods include little nutrition and in contrast they contain large amounts of carbohydrates, added sugar, unhealthy fats and sodium. High calorie intake can lead to obesity, this is because although your body has consumed large amounts of calories it remains unsatisfied. Saturated fats have negative impacts on our hearts, also it can impact brain memory and function. These fatty acids also reduce speed and flexibility.